Want to feel the connection
with your soul path?

get in touch with the wisdom of your soul and be guided

Single-energy transmissions


Silence weekends




In our society, we learn to think and unlearn to feel. However, it is super important because feeling is the gateway to the soul.

You have everything within you because you can access an infinite source of healing and wisdom through your soul.

It is my mission to teach as many people as possible how to get everything out of themselves. You too can be guided by your own connection. It brings peace in your life to know where you may go, what your soul path or purpose is.

Can anyone do that? Yes of course, but it requires awareness, practice and discipline to keep your channel pure and your frequency high.

Energy transmissions

Do you want to reconnect your soul in every dimension?
Do you want to know your soul path?
Want to rely more on your gut feeling?

Michèle looks to the sky and is 'awake' written on her heart

A energy transmission is an energetic healing, where you receive pure multidimensional energy. The theme of the transmission determines the frequencies.

All you have to do is relax. You lie on a yoga mat with your eyes closed and enjoy the music.

I provide a loving setting in which you can fully surrender yourself to this multidimensional experience. You travel to your true self that is free of the stories that have shaped your identity.

The high frequencies allow stuck energy to flow freely again and create space so you can focus on what really matters.

Stuck emotions can be released without having to understand them. Insights can come to you during or after the transmission.

20% of the transmission you will experience during the transmission, 80% the weeks afterwards.

For each transmission, I choose a theme with corresponding activation.

Group transmission Tree of Life Yoga Studio Tervuren

Sunday 27 October 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
You are good enough, activation of self-confidence and self-love
Friday 8 November 8.30pm to 10.30pm
Feminine and masculine energy in balance, Mary Magdalene activation
Sunday 8 December 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Remembering of your soul path, activation of your connection with the universe

Individual transmissions on demand

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Silence weekenden


Looking to get away from it all?
Want to let your creativity flow back?
Are you allowing yourself time and space to turn inward?

A weekend of reflection but also of insights and deep relaxation.

Here you don't need to socialise. You do this for yourself, allowing yourself time and space to turn inward to come to deep rest. Get away from all the day's stimuli. In a natural environment, you come to yourself.

There are guided meditations, soul-binding energy transmissions and relaxing yoga to support you. There is music in these moments but otherwise we remain the in silence throughout the weekend.

We stay in a luxury villa within walking distance of the sea. Nice comfortable rooms and plenty of space to seclude yourself. Pool and sauna free to use.

Delicious organic vegetarian Natuurelles meals. ?I love the fact that I can combine my two passions here to spoil you in every way.

Are you ready for a weekend of pampering your body and soul?

Friday 10 to 12 January 2025, Yogabee Domburg Netherlands.

I want to join



Do you want to live in flow?
Do you want to be guided by your higher self?
Do you want to rely fully on your connection?

Michele with the word yes on her hand

The soul connection training is a 5-month intensive training programme.

Your learn how to communicate with your soul according to your gift. Everyone has a natural gift of clairsentience, clairaudience, clairknowing or clairvoyance. You will learn to enhance your gift and do so in your unique way.

You live here and now, you don't have to flee into short 5D experiences, because you can really embed spirituality in your ordinary life.

During the Soul Reconnectiong Training, we dive into the 5 layers of our humanity; physical, mental, emotional, energetic and multidimensional.

Every month there are 2 live days and 2 online classes with teachings, exercises and bodywork.

By connecting with your soul, you open up an infinite source of healing and wisdom. Your higher beings are eager to help you.

Stop letting others define your life. Claim your power.

Learn how to manifest your dream life and let your authentic self flow.

More information soon. If you want to be kept informed send a message to soul@michelevanbesien.be.